

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-26

当地时间7月24日,美国明尼阿波利斯警察局(Minneapolis Police Department)公布刘强东(Richard Liu)涉性侵案长达149页的调查档案及所有证据,包括报警记录、监控视频和调查录音等。

Police release data on alleged rape by Chinese businessman 

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Police who were called to a report of an alleged rape by Chinese billionaire and JD.com founder Richard Liu last August initially decided to release him because it was unclear to them if a crime had occurred, according to investigative files released Wednesday that include conflicting statements from the woman and Liu.


表示“不一致的;相矛盾的;冲突的”,英文解释为“Conflicting beliefs, needs, facts, etc. are different and opposing.”如:conflicting opinions/ideas/advice 相互冲突的观点/看法/建议。

But later that day, Liu was arrested and booked into the county jail on suspicion of felony rape after the woman, a Chinese student at the University of Minnesota, reported details and said Liu forced himself on her after a night of drinking. He was released the next day and ultimately not charged after prosecutors said there were problems with evidence.


book本身作动词,可以表示“(警方)将…记录在案;(裁判)记名警告”,英文解释为“If a police officer, referee, etc. books someone, they write down the person's name in an official record because they have done something wrong.”举个🌰:

My grandmother was booked for speeding last week.


book in/book into本身也可以表示“登记入住(酒店)”(to say that you have arrived and sign an official book when you get to a hotel)举个🌰:

After booking into our hotel, we went straight down to the beach.



表示“重罪”,英文解释为“In countries where the legal system distinguishes between very serious crimes and less serious ones, a felony is a very serious crime such as armed robbery.”举个🌰:

He pleaded guilty to two felonies.


The data released Wednesday by the Minneapolis Police Department offers a glimpse into the investigation and shows how Liu, the woman, a limo driver, Liu's assistants and others gave conflicting versions of what happened. The data includes police reports, interview transcripts, 911 transcripts, a recorded interview with Liu, text messages and video. The documents show the woman threatened to go to the media if she did not get money and an apology from Liu.

The alleged assault happened on Aug. 31 when Liu, 46, was in Minneapolis for a weeklong residency as part of the University of Minnesota's doctor of business administration China program, geared toward high-level executives in China.

be geared to/toward

gear sth to/toward sth或者be geared to/toward表示“使适合,适应”,英文解释为“If someone or something is geared to or toward a particular purpose, they are organized or designed in order to achieve that purpose.”举个🌰:

Colleges are not always geared to the needs of mature students.


My training was geared toward winning gold.


The woman, Jingyao Liu, alleged Richard Liu and other wealthy Chinese executives coerced her to drink during a dinner party. She told police that Liu then made unwanted advances in his limousine and later raped her at her apartment. The Associated Press does not generally name alleged victims of sexual assault, but her attorney Wil Florin has said she agreed to be named. She was 21 at the time. She sued Richard Liu and his company in April. That case is pending.


表示“强制;胁迫;迫使”,英文解释为“to force someone to do something they do not want to do by threatening them”举个🌰:

The court heard that the six defendants had been coerced into making a confession.


make unwanted advances

advance熟词僻义,表示“勾引;挑逗;追求”,英文解释为“an attempt to start a sexual or romantic relationship with someone”举个🌰:

She rejected his advances.


The data released Wednesday shows police went to the apartment and found Richard Liu lying on the bed wearing only a T-shirt. Police handcuffed him, helped him get dressed and took him to a squad car.

What followed, according to the documents, was a patchwork of conflicting stories and changing accounts.


表示“用手铐铐住”,英文解释为“If you handcuff someone, you put handcuffs around their wrists.”举个🌰:

They tried to handcuff him but, despite his injuries, he fought his way free.



表示“拼凑(混杂)之物”,英文解释为“something that is made up of a lot of different things”举个🌰:

The area was a patchwork of local industries.


That night, Jingyao Liu told one officer, "I was raped but not that kind of rape," according to police reports. When asked to explain, she changed the subject and said Richard Liu was famous and she was afraid. She told the officer the sex was "spontaneous" and that she did not want police to get involved.


表示“自发的;非筹划安排的;非勉强的”,英文解释为“happening or done in a natural, often sudden way, without any planning or without being forced”举个🌰:

His jokes seemed spontaneous, but were in fact carefully prepared beforehand.


According to the data, officers released Richard Liu because "it was unclear if a crime had actually taken place" and they couldn't establish probable cause.

In a later interview with an investigator, Richard Liu said the sex was consensual and that the woman "enjoyed the whole process very much."


表示“双方同意的,两厢情愿的”,英文解释为“consensual sexual activity is wanted and agreed to by the people involved”。

Jill Brisbois, an attorney for Richard Liu, said in a statement that the evidence reaffirms their belief that Liu is innocent. She said the police reports and videos fully dispel "misinformation and unsubstantiated speculation" and support prosecutors' decision not to file charges.


表示“驱散,消除(尤指信仰、观念或感觉)”,英文解释为“to make something go away, especially a belief, idea, or feeling”举个🌰:

We want to dispel the myth that you cannot eat well in Britain.


Florin said police body camera footage shows Jingyao Liu initially said she was raped — but after Richard Liu gave her an angry look, she told police she was afraid of his power and retracted her initial statement. The body camera video was not retained by police after 90 days because it contained "nothing evidentiary," said police spokesman John Elder. Florin did not provide the video to the AP.

According to a transcript of a police interview, the woman said Liu kissed her and tried to take off her clothes in the limo, and she tried to push him away. She said she didn't know where they were going and was afraid, so she asked to go to her apartment. There, she said, Richard Liu tried to take off her clothes over her protests, tried to pull her into the shower and eventually raped her.

She told police that she begged him, "Please, please ... I don't want to do this."

She also told police she wanted Liu to apologize, and she threatened to go to the media if she didn't hear from Liu's attorney. Transcripts show she spoke with Brisbois and asked for an apology and money.

In a roughly 30-minute interview with an investigator, Richard Liu said the woman invited him to her apartment, where she initiated sex acts and helped him shower. He said it was clear she "want to make love with me."

Officers also interviewed Liu's employees and the limo driver. According to transcripts, one assistant said Richard Liu and the woman were intimate and she didn't seem distressed.

However, the driver said when the pair was outside the limo, Richard Liu "grabbed" and seemed to overpower the woman, and brought her into the vehicle. He said he looked in the mirror and saw "this guy was all over this girl." He said Liu's assistant adjusted his mirror. He told police he heard kisses and moaning but didn't hear anyone say "No." The driver said he didn't know if the activity was consensual, according to a transcript.


表示“(以力气或权力)制服,压倒,征服”,英文解释为“to defeat someone by having greater strength or power”举个🌰:

The gunman was finally overpowered by three security guards.



表示“呻吟”,英文解释为“If you moan, you make a low sound, usually because you are unhappy or in pain.”举个🌰:

Tom moaned in his sleep and then turned over on his side.


Richard Liu, known in Chinese as Liu Qiangdong, is a prominent member of the Chinese tech elite, with a fortune of $7.5 billion. He is part of a generation of entrepreneurs who have created China's internet, e-commerce, mobile phone and other technology industries since the late 1990s. The son of peasants, Liu built a Beijing electronics shop into JD.com, China's biggest online direct retailer, selling everything from clothes to toys to fresh vegetables.


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